On November 26, 2024 we celebrated our secondary school graduation at the Instituto Maya Comunitario K’almolb’e, in the remote Q’eqchi’ Maya village of Nimlaha’kok. Fourteen students graduated: four middle school students and ten high school students. The high school graduates are now qualified to be bilingual teachers in a region where many children start school as monolingual Q’eqchi’ speakers with little or no knowledge of Spanish.
At graduation, Xch’ool Ixim received a gift-in-kind of 30 newly refurbished computers from Chaptops. These computers will support the school’s new career track in vocational training with emphasis on Accounting and Digital Literacy. The school is anticipating a significant increase in enrollment next year as things are slowly returning to pre-pandemic levels and more laptops are needed in the Computer Laboratory as we offer professional technology training to students and teachers.
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